Thursday 14 May 2009

The route

Our route for the performance...

Thursday 7 May 2009

Echoing melodies

Last night (6th of May) was a great singing rehearsal - we learnt the 2 part harmonies for the Anthem - the whole song pretty much learnt and in our heads (thanks to James).
We ran around the block and back into BAC, using the microphones for the first time to amplify the sound of our breathlessness as we sang

Next week we're meeting at the start point of the route on the North side of Chelsea Bridge

More info to follow

E-FLYER for The Ensembles performance at BURST

and e-flyer for the other piece i am performing during the festival:

Sprint Singing

29th of April saw us get more confident with verse one and two of the Anthem, but this meant we had less time for a proper run and sing.
So instead, we ran a shorter distance and did a sprint finish to the middle of the common....
This was a very different type of breathlessness, singing was hard and most didn't catch our breath till the end of the second verse
I liked how our confidence with the tune became totally corrupted by our inability to hold notes for long enough and even get words right
we talked about how perhaps this struggle expresses the experience of running more concretely

i think there might be a sprint finish in the performance (!)